Check this out!!!

Backpacking Eropah 2015 - Kos dan Bajet: 20 Hari 8 Negara

Sedikit info dan tips mengenai bajet dan planning untuk trip ni mengikut pengalaman kami. Hopefully dapat membantu sesiapa yg ada plan gila ...

Friday, 21 June 2013

busy kah???

aku semenjak dua menjak ni maleh nak mengupdate..
banyak je stori mori..
tapi asal online je aku main game..
candy crush la..farmville la...
tunggu the excitement and game mood turun dulu...

1 comment:

  1. Salam,

    being an authorised EPHYRA dealer, im so excited to share with you the product that has giving wonders to most of the ladies out there.

    FYI, im selling EPHYRA at a very good deal! (below market price for sure!)

    let me know if you are interested :)

    spread the love!

    Izza (EPHYRA Authorised Dealer)
